French Bulldog Milo Gauger
Call Ed at 913-370-0358

French Bulldog Stud! If you are looking for a very good stud for your female that is short and well built and is a puppy maker then Milo is the one for you.

French Bulldog Stud! If you are looking for a very good stud for your female that is short and well built and is a puppy maker then Milo is the one for you.

French Bulldog Stud! If you are looking for a very good stud for your female that is short and well built and is a puppy maker then Milo is the one for you.

French Bulldog Stud! If you are looking for a very good stud for your female that is short and well built and is a puppy maker then Milo is the one for you.
Meet Milo! Price $1,995
It's time for Milo to find his forever home.
Here is Milo Gauger. He is very muscular with the bulldog big head. Milo is AKC registered.
He is a sweet little man! Loves attention and lots of hugs and kisses. Very playful with the grandkids or can have alone time too. Great eater, and he has been potty trained to use the doggie door. He would make a great addition to your family as he is well socialized. He enjoys playing keep away with toys and his littermates
Call 913-370-0358 or email/text anytime at
Thanks, Ed Gauger